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We sailed from Trinidad to Tobago for various reasons.   Among them, the main one was that the direct route from Trinidad to Grenada is very close to Venezuela and there had been a report that just a few months before a Piracy attempt was made by 8 men in a pirogue against a yacht transiting from Trinidad to Grenada, with shots fired at the crew and yacht.  The second main reason was that Yuka had a follow up appointment with an ophthalmologist who was coming from Trinidad.

Tobago is a very nice island, with many uncrowded anchorages.  Here you can see Oroboro in Englishmen’s Bay:

We checked out of the country in Charlotteville, where we had the first negative experience with a Custom official.  The jerk complained about us not having some kind of stamp on our paperwork, and had us return the following day (Monday).  Of course on Monday the mysterious stamp was still missing on our paperwork, but they guy processed our checkout anyways.  Oh well..

Customs in Charlotteville

So we the documents in hand, we set sails for Grenada!




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